Children's Health
Child and Family Health Advice
Your child’s growth and their ongoing development and health are important for you and your family. The websites and resources below offer helpful information and support:
- Healthier Together website - advice for parents, young people and pregnant women
- Dorset Child Health Information Service (CHIS)
- Public Health Dorset - Childrens and Families Health Information
We are happy to speak with you about a health assessment for your child. Please contact us for our Child Health Assessment service.

Childhood Immunisation
Childhood immunisation is an important aspect of your child's healthcare. In accordance with the NHS Vaccination Schedule, we offer routine childhood immunisations.
Routine childhood immunisations include Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio and Haemophilus influenza type B immunisation, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Meningitis B, Meningitis C, Pneumococcus, Rotavirus, Hepatitis B, and Seasonal Influenza.
Please note the schedule below for information on NHS vaccinations for babies and children and when to have them, or visit the NHS website by following this link:>>
We will contact you when your child is due for a vaccination. But If you believe your child may have missed a vaccination, please contact us to let us know.

Children and Young People's Social Prescribing
Our Social Prescribers offer a service for children and young people living in West Dorset.
Social Prescribing gives young people the opportunity to make connections in their area for support, new activities or ways to help boost their wellbeing in a non-medical way.
In most cases, young people under 16 will require consent from their parents or carers to use this service.
Parents and Carers can find out more about how social prescribing can help your child identify what matters to them and to support them in making connections to improve their health and wellbeing by downloading and viewing our Guide for Carers and Parents here>>
Contact the Social Prescribing team by phone on 01308 428943 or via email to