General Health Advice
Options for getting General Health Advice
We recognise that sometimes you don’t need to see a GP but may want some general health advice. May we suggest several options:
- Go to a pharmacy for advice and treatment for minor conditions that do not need a prescription. For more about services you can get from a pharmacist please follow this link to how your pharmacy can help>>
- Other online health services such as the NHS Health A-Z ( can offer a point of reference to check out conditions, symptoms and treatments, including what to do and when to get help.
- Visit for urgent medical advice for people aged 5 and over only.
- Call NHS 111 if you have an urgent medical problem, but you're not sure what to do.
- Request General Advice using eConsult – Please be patient if you have sent in a non-urgent or routine request. We will contact you as soon as possible.
Please note eConsults are only available during Practice Opening Hours:>>

Information about NHS Health Checks
If you are a patient between the ages of 40 and 74, you will be invited for a free NHS Health Check every five years. Read more on the NHS website by following this link>>
You may also ask for an NHS Health Check if you are in this age group, do not have any other conditions, i.e. stroke, diabetes, coronary heart disease and have not had an NHS Health Check in the last five years.
Also, anyone aged 14 or over on our learning disability register can have a free annual health check once a year. Patients on our learning disability register will be invited, but we will welcome requests for a health check on request. For more information about annual health checks to those with learning disabilities, please visit the NHS website here>>