Community Health Services
About Community Services
A comprehensive range of community services is provided locally for the whole population of Lyme Regis and Charmouth. These complement the existing practice-based services and aim to deliver care as close to home as possible. These services are provided by Dorset Health Care. Follow this link for further information on Dorset Health Care:>>
Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) has also collated information on LBMP area Community Health and Care Services, which can be found by following this link>>

Community Nursing
The Community Nurses provide all aspects of nursing care to the housebound. In our area we are very fortunate to be able to manage some illnesses that would normally require a hospital Admission in the patient’s home.
The domiciliary service also manages an Intermediate Care Service in NHS nursing home beds in Lyme Regis Nursing Home. This enables those who require more intensive nursing to receive it in their local community.
The Community Nursing service operates an open referral system and can be contacted on 01297 446108.
As well as general nursing care the team also provide the following services:
- Wound care
- Palliative care
The team liaise and work closely with GPs and patient carers.

Occupational Therapy
The Occupational Therapy Department (OT) is based at the Lyme Regis Medical Centre. Patients do attend the department but the vast majority are visited at home. The OT department also treats residents in local residential and nursing homes as part of the Intermediate Care Service.
- Via GP’s, District Nurses or other health professionals
- Patient self-referrals
- Referrals by friends, relatives, neighbours though patients must be aware of the referral
Aims of Service:
Occupational Therapy aims to maximise the ability of the individual to manage daily living tasks including:
- Personal Care
- Domestic Tasks
- Leisure Pursuits
with the provision of equipment, aids, adaptations and help with rehabilitation as appropriate.
Following receipt of referral the patient is contacted and offered an appointment with either the OT or one of the OT assistants, depending on the nature of the referral.
Urgent appointments are available if required and late visits up to 5.00pm are offered by the Occupational Therapist four evenings per week.
Following an assessment the OT staff will discuss a range of options involving equipment or rehabilitation. Information relating to aids, gadgets (for purchase) and local voluntary agencies and support services can be provided. Rehabilitation is offered for an agreed period of time and reviewed regularly.
If you require further information regarding the OT service you can contact the department on 01308 426285.

Weekly antenatal clinics are held at the Centre run by members of the Midwifery Team from Dorset County Hospital. For more information visit the Maternity Matters Dorset website by following this link:>>
The majority of deliveries take place at Dorset County Hospital but arrangements can be made for delivery at Honiton Community Hospital or Wonford Hospital in Exeter or, if appropriate, at home.

Health Visitors Team
Health Visitors are qualified nurses who have done further training specialising in the health and development of young children and in the support of their families. The Health Visiting team offer support to families with children up to the age of 5years. More information on Health Visiting services can be found on the NHS Dorset HealthCare University Trust website by following this link:>>
The Health Visiting team for Lyme Regis is based at Bridport medical centre and consists of Health Visitors, Public Health Staff Nurses and Community Nursery Nurses. There is a named Health Visitor who works in Lyme Regis however you may be seen by other members of the team depending on the nature of the contact. There is also a Duty health visitor available between 9am and 4.45pm who can give telephone advice. To contact them please call the hub number below and you will be redirected through to the Duty Health visitor.
To contact the Health Visiting team, please call the Health Visiting West administration hub on 01305 361071.

Public Health (School) Nursing team
This team consists of one Public Health Staff Nurse and Public Health Nursery Nurse
The aims of the Public Health Nursing team are:
- To promote health within all families.
- To provide support, advice and guidance in all aspects of emotional, mental and physical health
- To recognise and identify areas of need within the community
- To provide support to families during periods of stress and ill health
- To work alongside other professionals and agencies in a variety of different settings.
The Public Health Nursing Team ( School Nursing) offer this support through the Universal Healthy Child programme which includes:
- Reception Class health review, Audiology screen and Height and Weight measurements under the National Child Measurement Programme
- Year 6 height and weight measurements under the National Child Measurement Programme
The school nursing service covers five primary schools and one secondary school within Lyme Regis, Uplyme, Marshwood, Thorncombe and Charmouth, as well as schools in Bridport and Beaminster, where advice, support, referrals and signposting, to other appropriate services, is offered to school age children and their parents/carers as well as drop-in clinics at the primary schools for parents, carers and school staff. Request for Support forms can be sent to the School Nursing service by any schools, and other services/agencies if support, advice or appointments are required with a School Nurse for a young person from year 7 and up or contact is needed with a parent/carer.
The School Nursing service also delivers-
a ChatHealth anonymous texting service for young people from ages 11 – 19
School staff training for delivering emergency medication to children diagnosed with epilepsy or anaphylaxis
Enuresis clinics (night time wetting) for children of 7yrs and older, with provision of an enuresis alarm and ongoing support for the child/young person and their parents/carers
Specific support to individual schools if a need is identified through information gathered on School Health Profiles.
School Nurse telephone number – 01305 361094 (Option 2)

Physiotherapy Services
We understand how aches and pains in your joints, muscles and bones can cause frustration and worry impacting your daily activities. These can be treated by yourself, in your own home in most cases. We encourage patients to take advantage of the advice, information and exercises available on the Dorset Musculoskeletal Matters website, which local clinicians support. For more information about looking after yourself, please follow this link:>>
* Please note this information is suitable for adults only. Information on physiotherapy services for children and young people can be found on the NHS University Hospitals Dorset website here:>>
Health professional referral
The physiotherapy service is provided by Dorset Health Care and are able to offer appointments over different locations including Lyme Regis Medical Centre.
Patient self-referral
If you think you need physiotherapy, you may choose to fill out a self-referral form. Please note that referrals are prioritised according to need, and waiting times for routine cases may apply. For more information about Physiotherapy Outpatient departments' approximate wait times, please follow this link:>>

Complementary Medicine
Acupuncture/Zero Balancing
Richard Walters
Lyme Regis Medical Centre :01297 445461
Home: 01404 813784
Thursday 9am-3pm
Osteopathy/Cranial Osteopathy
Tim Williams
Lyme Regis Medical Centre: 01297 445242
Bridport Office: 01308 427033
Monday all day
Tuesday all day
Wednesday all day
Friday all day